BUYING A static caravan
There are many potential uses for static caravans, above and beyond using it as a permanent or holiday home. Whether you require temporary accommodation during a house building project, an additional office space away from your home, or as accommodation for agricultural, livery yard or horticultural workers, etc., static caravans are the ideal solution.

There are plenty of static caravans for sale around the country so why should you consider buying a static caravan from me?
Personal attention. I am a sole trader and live on my reputation, so you can be assured of my honesty, integrity, professionalism and personal attention.
Cost. I do not need to make huge profits to cover the cost of keeping lots of caravans in a yard. I only buy a few at a time.
Integrity and honesty. I’m from a professional background, choosing this as a second career. I’m not a slick salesman and will only let you buy a caravan that is right for you.
Quality. I carefully select the best value and quality caravans.
How do you work?
If I do not have a suitable caravan in my small stock, I will keep an eye open for one that meets your needs. When I find something suitable, I’ll send you pictures and a full description. You can inspect it yourself if you wish. Pay a deposit and I’ll arrange transport.
Some of the options to choose from when deciding on what sort of caravan to buy:
Size, from 28’x10’ to most popular 35’x12’ right up to 40’x13’.
Quality. This will have most impact on your quality of life in a static caravan. Think cars – a Ford Fiesta or a Rolls Royce.
Central heating and double glazing if you are going through a winter.
2 or 3 bedrooms, en suite
Front patio doors
Layout. Though most caravans are similar, in detail they vary a lot.
Budget. Obviously the more you spend the better caravan you will buy.
Other things to think about.
Most people only buy a static caravan for use on their own land once, so there is a steep learning curve. I have produced a guidance note which provides some practical advice.
Questions & Answers
Q. What happens if there is a problem with the caravan when I take delivery.
A. As a small business my reputation is fundamental, therefore I will always try to resolve problems, ensuring you are satisfied with the outcome. There is however, no warranty on the caravans.
Q. Can you site the caravan for me.
A. It is generally better to use a local contractor.
Q. Will you buy the caravan back from me at the end of my project.
A. I will, though the price will clearly not be what you paid for it.
Q. Do you export static caravans.
A. Yes.